Thursday, June 26, 2014

An Old man and his Beard (Round Scape)

The Process of Making these Roundscapes is largely done by moving through a landscape without taking too much in. I take photos, sketches and notes in a very haphazard way when I'm doing this. 
roundscape old man and his beard

Buy Direct from The Studio from £12.99 (Framed)

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  Stereograpic projection 360 degrees of Gatteville

The Camera is the eye here, because often the background light is too strong for me to even see the camera view screen. This means that when the camera is started I have to imagine what would make a good Roundscape. I have for a long time believed that technology can create art if the artist trusts the machinery enough and allows the camera to control the filtering.  The Roundscape here is of the landscape around Gatteville le Phare a coastal point situated on the North coast of the Cotentin in Normandy.

Above is a video panorama of the scene used to create The Old man and his Beard.

Buy a framed high resolution print direct from The Studio from £12.99

An Old man and his Beard (Round Scape)

 Round Scapes are framed original digital photographs of landscapes. Photographing panoramic landscapes allows me to manipulate these images into stereographic projections sometimes known as little planets.

An Old man and his Beard (Round Scape)

Buy Direct from The Studio from £12.99 (Framed) 

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Stereograpic projection 360 degrees Gatteville. An old man and his beard

The view you end up with is a 360 degree landscape manipulated into a globe.
The size of the Round Scape print and frame together is 18 x 22cm with fittings allowing for wall mounting or free standing on a shelf or desk. Price £12.99
Larger framed versions are also available for £17.99

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