Thursday, April 3, 2014

Painting Montaigu la Brisette Paint Walk

Landscape Painting by Paint Walk - "The Old Church at Montaigu la Brisette"

landscape painting of church made on iPad mini
 Sketch of Montaigu la Brissete Church made on an iPad mini with an  Adonit jot pro pen.
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 The start of this series of landscapes was from a photo taken on a walk. the original photo was taken on a smart phone from a distance well beyond the cameras ability to keep it in focus. It was also hazy that day and that further enhanced the fuzzy effect that a combination of horizons and digital cameras make.

photo of church from a distance on an iPhone

In the original photo I noticed the shapes before recognizing them as a village and became interested in what these shapes were. Using the photo I made a sketch on an iPad mini with an  Adonit jot pro pen.
This sketch had to be made with a lot of guessing due to the nature of the original photo and it was produced like a jigsaw of guessed tones.

Buy direct from studio for £50


 This was the first painting using acrylic and a small stretched canvas 10 x 10 cm. Working this small is a useful way to make a quick sketch and evaluate what a larger painting might look like. I didn't use a pencil in this process because the forms were made by adding wadges of colour until it balanced for me. The palette was completely random at this stage and did not have any pre thought out dominant colours.

Montaigu la Brisette 1  Montaigu la Brisette 2  Montaigu la Brisette 3

Paint walk