‘Apple Tree Normandy France'
Direct from Studio £50
I did this painting in one sitting and it reflects the wonderful stillness you can find in Normandy on a bright summers day. Apple Trees are very much part of the Normandy landscape as are Pear trees. They seem to grow everywhere in Lower Normandy and this is the reason for the regions well known ciders and the now legendary "Calvados". This is an apple brandy with almost hallucinogenic powers when drunk to the point of being paralytically incorrect. Although Calvados is the famous drink from the the Calvados region of the same name it is also known as the The "Normandie Trou" or Normandy Hole referring to the drinks ability to act as a really good digestive before the next part of a meal.
"I like turning on a light and seeing a small landscape lit up".
This Painting is for sale direct from the artist for £50. it is painted in acrylics on a 10 x 10 stretched canvas, ready to hang. ‘Light Switch Landscapes' are
small landscapes about the size of a standard light switch. I came up
with the name because of my habit of nailing paintings to the nearest
wall while I'm painting them. (Please note: I am aware of the electricity cabling in my home). When
you're painting, the surrounding light affects the colours your eye
reads. This can be useful to gauge the colour density by using the
natural or artificial light available.