Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Under the Apple Trees in Summer - a lght switch landscape

Acrylic miniature painting under the apple trees £20
For sale on etsy   Twitter   Gallery   Web
This Painting is for sale on etsy for £20. it is painted in acrylics on a 10 x 10 stretched canvas, ready to hang.

I like hedgerows as they are full of surprises. In Northern France they are known as "Bocage" and are usually built at the side of fields. The construction usually starts with large pieces of rock and stones and are then covered with soil. The soil is often dug from the road side creating a drainage ditch so  so when winter comes they effectively help drain the road surfaces. Over the years the bocage is augmented with trees and shrubs which both strengthen the hedgerow and provide a source of food and wood  for heating. 

"I like turning on a light and seeing a small landscape lit up".
Photo of under the apple tree painting on wall £20
This Painting is for sale on etsy for £20. it is painted in acrylics on a 10 x 10 stretched canvas, ready to hang.
Light Switch Landscapes' are small landscapes about the size of a standard light switch. I came up with the name because of my habit of nailing paintings to the nearest wall while I'm painting them. (Please note:  I am aware of the electricity cabling in my home).  When you're painting, the surrounding light affects the colours  your eye reads.  This can be useful to  gauge the colour density by using the natural or artificial light available. 

Paint walk