Tuesday, August 25, 2015

The Avenue Alignments

The painting shows a stone alignment at night as a line of stones on the left descend into the distance into a wood. The painting uses a decalcomania technique using light paints on a dark support giving the appearance of night. The painting is 23 x 28cm and is framed as shown.

 Buy The Avenue - Alignments painting £40
(click to enlarge)

Buy Direct from Artist for £40

Decalcomania was first used by Simon François Ravenet, an engraver from France who had moved to England and perfected the process, which he called "décalquer." The process was much loved by Victorian children and became a popular parlour game before being explored again by the surrealists. Decalcomania is now known as transfers or decals and is employed from model making to tattooing.

Alignments painting £40
(click to enlarge)

Buy Direct from Artist for £40

Decalcomania is a print making technique where the paper is marked by a wet media such as ink or paint and is placed and pressed on a flat surface. The paper is then removed to create the print. This is not suitable for making accurate reproductions as each pressing and removal causes changes to the finished print.

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